
Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Life at home

Surprise! I'm at home!

So ward round - evidently - went brilliantly yesterday! I was given 2 nights at home which will hopefully be extended tomorrow given that my leave continues to go well.

I am feeling quite unhappy and let down, though. The ward that I've been sent to is everything that I imagined it would be, aka horrific. It's an acute adult ward, a ward designed for short term admissions, with a lack of therapy and empathy. The staff treat you as though you are a problem as opposed to a person; it's extremely unsettled, loud and busy; and they're more eager to get you discharged instead of getting you better, and then discharged. I feel as though an acute ward is entirely the wrong place for me to continue my recovery, especially after being on a PICU for the previous 6 months.

Anyhow, enough with the rambling and more about my time at home.

It has been an absolute nightmare trying to fit all of my belongings back into my bedroom! I'll give you just one example of the contents of one of my craft boxes, which I can no longer fit the lid on:

My washi tape collection has overflown! (And yes, I am awaiting a yet another washi delivery from Amazon).

Thanks to the Paperchase sale, though, I now have more craft boxes in order to accommodate my collection of washi tape, stickers, card embellishments, letter writing and general craft stuff!

So as you've probably gathered, my home leave is going really well! I've been able to sleep in my own bed, begin reorganizing my bedroom, go out shopping, learn how to knit again, and organise my abundant supply of craft boxes!

Life is good at the moment.

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