So, I've had a bit of a bump in the road. But in the grand scheme of things, there are lots of bumps in everyone's roads. When life gets too fast, it sometimes takes a bump in the road to bring you back on track.
But at the minute, I'm okay.
That's the main thing. I'm doing okay, and I want it to stay that way. I still have down days and I'm still not fully independent, but I'm doing okay. I'm not asymptomatic and it may take 12 little pills a day to keep me functioning, but I'm all up for anything that keeps me level-headed.
I suppose I should answer the question of "what have you been up to during your absence?".
The most honest, sincere, truthful, direct, frank, straightforward and... blunt response that I can offer, is not much!
Although, on Wednesday, I did bake the most delicious cakes with our occupational therapist! Apple and coconut cakes with a cream cheese and cinnamon frosting - they were delectable.
Since things have been difficult for me recently, I've been throwing myself into art as a distraction! I realized that if I draw my thoughts and images out on paper and then put the drawings away or destroy them completely, it stops me from dwelling on the my feelings.
Just remember:
Having a relapse doesn't make you a bad person. When you hit rock bottom, the only other way to go is up. Never, ever doubt yourself. You CAN do this, no matter how many times your head tells you that you can't.
I have been in a situation where I have wrote my thoughts down to burn after, which was a new idea suggested for me last year. I like your idea of drawing your thoughts on paper and burning later.